Homeless Dogs in Bulgaria


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I usually try to sneak a bulb or clipping into the US from wherever it is that I am visiting. From Bulgaria, however, I am much more tempted to import a dog. Bulgaria has tons of homeless dogs everywhere in their cities and villages and if it had not been for Brigitte Bardot -yes, the actress – they wouldn’t even be alive. You might have heard about it in the news a while ago, several celebrities got all involved in saving post-socialist animals, especially dogs. Brigitte Bardot effected that the dogs be sterilized and not killed, but the running joke here is that since Bulgarians are not trying to have sex with the dogs but rather are trying to not be killed by them it would have been better to invest in pulling their teeth. The dogs I have seen – and met – certainly wouldn’t bite anybody though. They are very friendly, real survivors. Everyday I walk to the university, one of them meets me by the alley entrance and trots behind me until I get to the entrance area. I wish I could bring him home. But colleagues here tell me that tourists want to do so all the time and that it is almost impossible because of the red tape.

And then I realized that they also have a very vivid social life after 6 pm. They can get a little testy at that point. Peer pressure.

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Then.. I saw her.. but she’s a little different from the others..



Shared homelessness.


5 thoughts on “Homeless Dogs in Bulgaria

  1. So many dogs; the ones asleep look rather at peace with the world, taken care of?

    I forget where I was traveling last year– Singapore? Hong Kong? where the friends I visited told me that dog ownership was not allowed privately, but they were taken care of communally by the society.

    I think they were pulling my paw.


    1. yes, many dogs are being fed by the people in the neighborhood they live in. They are very friendly and sweet. They like being around humans and stay close. I must say though, that there are some dogs who look really rough, very dirty and sick. These also tend to be a bit aggressive, so I am more careful getting close and taking pictures of these.


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